Develop new mindsets and capabilities that integrate into your existing business practices, customer offerings, and specialized areas of expertise. Polarity principles, processes, and practices will elevate your highest aspirations and illuminate the root causes of your most chronic difficulties. You will apply the Polarity Approach to Continuity And Transformation (PACT) and the 5-Step SMALL Process™ to your real-world context in this highly interactive and challenging program.
The research is clear: You must expand your mindset and upgrade your toolset to succeed in today’s world of increasing polarization, interdependence and complexity. Leaders, teams, and organizations that leverage Polarities outperform those that don’t.
Polarity Thinking™, The Polarity Approach to Continuity and Transformation (PACT™) 5 - Step S.M.A.L.L. Process, the Polarity Map® and the Polarity Assessment™ are the most robust suite of practices and tools available to solve chronic problems, mitigate risks, pursue strategic opportunities and build on core strengths.
Consultants, Coaches, Learning & Development Faculty, HR Professionals, Trainers, Change Management Professionals, Business and Community Leaders, Psychologists - virtually any Professional Advisor or person wanting to make a positive difference can employ powerful Polarity Thinking™ concepts, practices, and tools to make their work more effective.
There are no prerequisites. ICF Coaches completing this course qualify for 27 CCE Credits - 14 Core Competencies and 13 Resource Development Credits.
PACT Certification prepares you to apply the 5-Step S.M.A.L.L. Process to maximize upsides and minimize downsides associated with interdependent values, objectives and capabilities. This online facilitated PACT™ Certification Program is challenging and highly interactive. This premium learning experience includes:
To see sessions in your own time zone, click here
NOTE: Completion of an applied learning project (ALP) is optional, but required to qualify for certain CCEU's (e.g. ICF Coaches earn 27 CCEU's), inclusion on Polarity Partnerships' Certified Practitioner Directory and for eligibility to coach new practitioners.
In addition to leading the development process for the Polarity Assessment™ and the associated 5-Step consulting process, Leslie works with Strategic Partners to integrate Polarity principles, practices and tools into a licensee’s existing and new offerings to increase value delivered to clients while optimizing the ROI on the licensee’s investment in Polarity Thinking.
20+ years’ of entrepreneurial experience & bottom line responsibility inform Leslie’s leader, team and organization consulting and help her relate credibly to her client’s challenges and opportunities.